Projects Under Process

Sr. No Project Capacity (MW) Sponsors/Company Status
1 Kathai-II 8.0 M/s JDW Sugar Mills
  • LOS extended up to 17th August 2025.
  • The approval of standardized project agreements from ECC is still under process.
2 Mahl 640 Mahl Power Company (Pvt.) Ltd. (a subsidiary of CTG South Asia Investment Limited - CSAIL) The project is withheld with CPPA-G due to non-inclusion in the Indicative Generation Expansion Plan (IGCEP) 2021-31.
3 Athmuqam 350 M/s KHNP consortium with Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd and Lotte Engineering & Construction
4 Ashkot 300 M/s Ashkot Energy Limited
5 Jagran-III 35 M/s SiddiQsons (Pvt.) Ltd.
6 Harighel 40.32 M/s SAANI Power (Pvt.) Ltd.
7 Luat 49.0 M/s Neelum Green Energy (Pvt.) Limited The project is withheld with CPPA-G due to non-inclusion in the Indicative Generation Expansion Plan (IGCEP) 2021-31.
8 Gumat Nar 49.5 M/s Bedrock (Pvt.) Ltd.
9 Bheri 2.85 M/s Power Impact (Pvt.) Ltd.
10 Jhing-II 6.05 M/s Taybah Jhing Energy (Pvt.) Ltd.
11 Riali-III 3.07 M/s Green Energy (Pvt.) Ltd.
12 Ghail 1.1 M/s Ali Power Generation Ltd.
13 Dachhor Miran 3.0 M/s Premier Power Generation Ltd.
14 Naushera 2.0 M/s Naushera Energy (Pvt.) Ltd.
15 Sankaya 7.0 M/s Sankaya (Pvt.) Limited
16 Sahng 10.0 M/s Alam Energy (Pvt.) Ltd.
Total 1506.89